About Me

 Hey, you bold and brave beauty! Thank you for stopping by to say hi!

I'm Alyssa! Lyss was what my closest friends growing up called me and I wanted to feel like what I was making I was making for my closest friends. I am the one-woman show of Lyss Made This. I started my jewelry journey in November of 2019 after needing a new creative endeavor. I have been in the photography business since 2008 and needed something fresh. I like change. You'll see that in my ever changing products.

I am a mom of four beautiful, smart, and creative girls. They inspire me everyday to do my best and to show them they are capable of anything! They are the reason I work so hard to reach my goals. I also am married to the best human I know. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life! He trusts my instinct and allows me to be who I am, a creative. 

I have always been a creative! Some of my earliest memories are of me learning how to draw. I grew up watching my dad draw and reading my moms poems, it's pretty much in my blood. Many of my choices in life have been based around creating and I can only pray I will instill this desire in my children. We were all made to create.